
What is clinical research and how is it important in the development of any drug?

What is clinical research and how is it important in the development of any drug?

What is clinical research and how is it important in the development of any drug? So, what is Clinical research? Clinical research is a branch of healthcare system that determines the safety, effectiveness and efficacy of medicine, diagnostic products and course of action of a treatment for human use which is accomplished via clinical trials. Clinical trials are kind of research projects that help to develop new drugs and better ways to detect, diagnose, treat and prevent diseases. Clinical trials …
Myths and Realities of Clinical Trials

Myths and Realities of Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials are responsible for the safety and efficacy of a medication or treatment and ensures general people about its use. Though this is the era of emerging clinical trials but still most of the people are unaware of it and many misunderstand it. This hampers the impact of the clinical studies or even prevents it from happening. There are many myths regarding clinical trials that are just myths which need to be removed and the realities about them should …
Participation in Clinical Trials is Rewarding

Participation in Clinical Trials is Rewarding

Research and testing helps in the advancement of medicines that helps it to reach people in need and eliminate diseases and deliberating conditions. Whether it is a new treatment or a medication, it needs to get approved by the FDA prior reaching to the patients. For the approvals, the treatments or medications go through clinical trials in which they are tested precisely in each and every stage in which volunteers play the most crucial role. Without the involvement of the …

Why Clinical Trials are Necessary?

As the population is increasing day by day, so does the diseases, and thus the need for a cure is also increasing. And this is the scenario of almost all the countries in the whole world. In earlier times, doctors relied on their education and experience to take care of their patients. But with time, as more drugs and therapies are introduced, doctors needed to find a way to compare the medications and see which treatment worked better to cure …
Blooming Clinical Research Market

Blooming Clinical Research Market In India

Clinical Research market in India has flourished much more than before during the global Covid-19 pandemic. As the pandemic being life-threatening howled for the need to cure, health professionals and researchers tried their best to develop various types of medications. Some researchers found new treatments whereas some researchers found new effects of the previously found treatments. All these involved clinical researches and clinical trials before they were made available for the use of human beings. The demand for new medicines …
How biotech students can prosper in clinical research?

How biotech students can prosper in clinical research?

Biotechnology is a broad discipline that involves biological components and processes for the creation and modification of new drugs and technologies for specific uses in research, agriculture, industry or clinics while clinical research basically tests the safety and efficacy of discovered drugs and technologies through punctilious clinical trials and scientific research practices on a human being before releasing it in the market. This makes biotech and clinical research a very good combination in sorting out many of health-related problems and …
Course in clinical research

5 reasons why you should consider a course in Clinical Research

5 reasons why you should consider a course in Clinical Research Clinical Research, a division of healthcare science, plays a crucial role in development of new life-saving medicines for different illnesses and in determination of safety and effectiveness of the developed medicine, device, or any diagnostic product before releasing them in the market. India is foreseeing a tremendous growth and job opportunities in the field of clinical research and has become one among the most favorable Asian countries for conducting …


JOBS AFTER CLINICAL RESEARCH COURSE In today’s world, where people are being diagnosed with new diseases on a regular basis, medical innovation from clinical research studies has become a necessity. A clinical research expert is required to develop the best treatment for each condition. Clinical researchers are looked upon to conduct clinical trial/vaccine trial on various medicines before they can be sold on the shelves of a pharmacy or delivered to people’s homes. Every year, approximately two lakh individuals are …


SCOPE OF CLINICAL RESEARCH Clinical Research, in the present scenario, is knowledge-intensive and the most demanding field of Science. It is one of the industries which is growing at an exponential rate and is opening up the extensive scope of employment opportunities for trained and skilled professionals. Thus, this time is the best to start your career in this Medical Research related industry and an additional certification of clinical research course along with your academics can help you suffice in …


CAREER OPPORTUNITY IN CLINICAL RESEARCH AFTER BDS Clinical research is growing at an exponential rate. According to Grand View Research, Inc., the global clinical research market is expected to reach 65.2$ billion by 2025. Due to various beneficial reforms by CDSCO, such as faster approvals for clinical trials, digitalization, and increased transparency, the business of clinical research in India is on fire. Career in Clinical Research after BDS  As a result, M.Sc. or equivalent certification course in clinical research after …


MEDICAL WRITING AS A CAREER OPTION INTRODUCTION: Due to the increasing number of research studies, growing clinical experiences, and new ideas, a large amount of new knowledge and information is constantly being added to the medicine and healthcare sector. All the information generated including research findings, devices, services, and products, is required to be communicated effectively to the target audience. Therefore, medical writers are highly desirable to communicate new information to health care professionals as well as the general audience. …


CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR AND DRUG SAFETY ASSOCIATE- PHARMACOVIGILANCE JOB PROFILES: YOU MUST KNOW IT   CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR Clinical Research is a research field where researchers test the efficacy and safety of new treatments, therapies, and drugs on humans. It is a crucial component of drug development. As a Clinical Research Coordinator, your responsibility is to conduct, manage and execute the entire clinical trial under the guidance of the Principal Investigator. As a Clinical Research Coordinator, you work on new …
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