Tag: clinical trials

clinical trial

The rapid growth of Clinical trial for Covid 19

The rapid growth of Clinical trial for Covid 19 Clinical trials have always been proven a boon for good human health. For several years it has been conducted according to the standard procedures but COVID-19 acted as a catalyst and induced changes in clinical trials. There were hundreds of trials prior to the pandemic which came to hold while many new trials have been launched.  Among the new clinical trials, most of the trials are for the effective treatment and …
Myths and Realities of Clinical Trials

Myths and Realities of Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials are responsible for the safety and efficacy of a medication or treatment and ensures general people about its use. Though this is the era of emerging clinical trials but still most of the people are unaware of it and many misunderstand it. This hampers the impact of the clinical studies or even prevents it from happening. There are many myths regarding clinical trials that are just myths which need to be removed and the realities about them should …
Participation in Clinical Trials is Rewarding

Participation in Clinical Trials is Rewarding

Research and testing helps in the advancement of medicines that helps it to reach people in need and eliminate diseases and deliberating conditions. Whether it is a new treatment or a medication, it needs to get approved by the FDA prior reaching to the patients. For the approvals, the treatments or medications go through clinical trials in which they are tested precisely in each and every stage in which volunteers play the most crucial role. Without the involvement of the …
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